Monday, August 6, 2012

13 Weeks: What a Difference a Day Makes

I spoke too soon last week about the nausea.

Maybe I shouldn't jinx it this week by saying that, this time! it seems to be gone. I can report that I'm hungry again. Like, "wake up in the middle of the night after weird dreams about convenience stores to eat" hungry. "Grilled cheese and waffle fries and a salad and Hawaiian Punch if they have it" hungry. And it feels good.

Since I managed to lose weight throughout the first trimester from being so ill, and since I don't have a dryer to re-shrink my clothes (the #1 thing I'm looking forward to in America), my clothes still fit. Except for my bras. I feel I'm on the edge of pushing past the point where I look like I just binge-ate junk food for three days. Maybe. As long as I'm not wearing a super-tight sexy dress. Which isn't an issue.

Now I'm in that mysterious time when I'm not sure how quickly I'll grow. I'm fairly certain that, if I buy a dress for a wedding a month from now, I'll bust out of it. Dress shopping for a formal dinner that's in a couple of weeks was, thankfully, fairly easy. There are several styles I tried that were flattering without being fitted around the waist. And that would go with shoes I have, because shoe shopping for an American size 10 in the UK is JUST the worst.

So. Right now my daily objectives are to get home for nap time and never be too far from food. And to start accomplishing stuff that I've been ignoring for the past 2 months!