Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Morning" Sickness?

I've never known a pregnant woman whose morning sickness actually and only happened in the morning.

My first pregnancy didn't make it past now. It was easy to coach myself through the constant nausea when I was pregnant with First by reminding myself that feeling sick meant things were in order. I try to remind myself of that now, but this time I know how long a month (not to mention nine!) of pregnancy can feel.

Sometimes I wonder if working back then was a blessing, having deadlines and projects and emails to distract myself with. Now I just slog along until toddler nap time, where the promise of my own nap awaits. Everything that needs to be unpacked also awaits, but it's not going anywhere, amIright?

The ever-helpful Baby Center recommends eating small frequent meals (done) and starting the day with a cracker and 20 minutes in bed (do you hear that, kiddo?). It also suggests that being well-rested helps (did I mention I just woke up from a nap?).

It seems foods with a higher sugar content – including breads, fruit and yogurt! – make me feel worse. Which is a total bummer, because I was so craving those cinnamon-brown sugar Pop Tarts that I brought home from the commissary yesterday.

Do you have any recommendations for coping with morning sickness? Or are you one of those lucky ones who doesn't feel bad at all?

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